John Ainley
Getting the most out of our work together
We are jointly accountable for the value of our work. I will always prepare fully for our sessions and think through a suggested agenda. I encourage you to come to the meeting having thought about those topics that it would be most useful to discuss.
While, by definition, the people that I work with are extremely busy, I encourage you to reschedule sessions only as a last resort. Keeping a regular pattern of meetings makes the overall programme most effective. Additionally, we will agree action steps to be taken between meetings and, if the gap between meetings drifts, the momentum and impact can be diluted.
Please invite me to any key events such as Off-sites, Conferences etc. One of the differences between Leadership Coaching and say, sports coaching, is that a sports coach will generally watch the action, whereas I’m often coaching away from real life. Seeing you and your colleagues in operation is extremely valuable for us both and will provide additional insights that I can use to support you. I also encourage you to invite me to shadow you for one or two days that are representative of your normal working life so that I can give you specific feedback and help.
Please let me have a copy of all key documents both at the outset and as we go along. When we start our work, documents such as: strategy, vision and values, business plans, staff surveys, your own performance reviews, 360 degree feedback and any psychological/personality profiles are extremely valuable. These will add to my understanding and provide additional input into our agenda. Client confidentiality is rigorously adhered to at all times, indeed I suggest that you ask me to sign appropriate confidentiality agreements.
Please, always be honest with me; I will be the same with you. Over the years I have heard most things from senior executives so I am unsurprisable and unshockable! Also please tell me about your successes as well as challenges.
Please give me your feedback as we work together. Tell me what I am doing that is working for you and what is not. Please ask for anything that I’m not covering or any additional approaches you would like from me. All communications will be responded to within 24 hours.
Only agree to action steps if you are 100% committed to taking them. “Wish lists” don’t add value, focused action does.
Support & Challenge
I want you to have ongoing support and challenge from me. Please contact me outside our meetings to discuss any aspect of your work, issues as they arise or presentations you would like my thoughts about. The way I cost programmes is totally transparent and allows for this. You won't incur additional fees unless we agree that the topic is sufficiently significant to warrant this.